SpecSavers at La Villiaze from April to October (specific dates)

Sellers can set-up from 10.30am (not before) with buyers welcome between 11.00am and 2.00pm.

Toilet facilities will also be available.

Prices and contact details below.

Update: SpecSavers have kindly granted us extra dates for this year.


La Mare de Carteret School

We will not be hosting any car boot sales from the La Mare School site in 2024.


Les Beaucamps School (One-Off Special Event)

Clear-out your spare car, motorcycle, and boat parts or tools at our special event on 1st September 2024.

Please note, this event is not for regular car boot sellers.

Sellers can set-up from 10.30am (not before) with buyers welcome between 11.00am and 2.00pm.

Toilet facilities will also be available.

Prices and contact details below.


Buyers and Sellers, join us on the following dates:

  • March
    • Sunday 31st - SpecSavers at La Villiaze
  • April
    • Sunday 14th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
    • Sunday 21st - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
  • May
    • Sunday 12th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
    • Sunday 26th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
  • June
    • Sunday 9th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
    • Sunday 23rd - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
  • July
    • Sunday 7th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
    • Sunday 21st - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
  • August
    • Sunday 4th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
    • Sunday 11th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
  • September
    • Sunday 1st - Auto Jumble at Les Beaucamps School * Please Note: This is not for regular car boot sellers *.
    • Sunday 15th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
    • Sunday 22nd - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;
  • October
    • Sunday 13th - SpecSavers at La Villiaze;


Pitch fees and getting in contact

Pitch fees are £6 for regular SpecSavers events, with auto jumbles £12 per each space used.

Contact Ray on 07781 109972 or Barbara on 07781 121309 for more information (full list of contacts can be found on this page).

For the Special Auto Jumble Event, please contact Julian on 07781 192404.


Busy day at Alliance, c. 2016.

Sunday Car Boot